Last updated: January, 2025
As a coach, mentor, and consultant, working in social impact settings, I take safeguarding seriously. Here’s what you need to know about my approach:
What is safeguarding?
I follow this definition for safeguarding, adapted from Coaching UK: Safeguarding is about protecting the right to live safely by ensuring that the wellbeing of a person is at the heart of coaching [and other services].
Professional development
I undertake relevant training to ensure I have the skills to support people as described in my services. For example I am accredited as a coach with the International Coaching Federation (ICF). To maintain this accreditation, I am required to adhere to a strict code of ethics and to undertake regular continued professional development (CPD). I am also a Mental Health First Aider, certified by Mental Health England.
Professional support
I regularly use coaching supervision and mentoring where I can seek support on concerns I may have about safeguarding (without compromising anyone else’s confidentiality) or my ability to handle them.
Welfare concerns
If I see or hear something through my work that raises concerns for a person’s welfare, I will take the following actions:
Welfare in group settings
I encourage participants to communicate directly with me if they feel uncomfortable in relation to events I host. It is always possible for participants to contact me privately should they wish to raise concerns before, during or after an event (either via email at or as a personal message in Zoom/ other video calling software).
I keep at least 15 minutes available after group coaching or discussion calls, in case any participant would like to talk privately.
I invite group event participants to be mindful of what you share and ask that you do not share any information that is private, confidential, or could threaten the safety or wellbeing of anyone else.
I am committed to cultivating inclusion in all my work. Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, physical ability, or any other characteristic is not tolerated at events I host. Where I see or hear that a participant’s behaviour is threatening another’s welfare, I will address this by i) speaking directly to the person/people concerned and/ or ii) removing people from events as necessary.
Working with children
I do not generally work with children – where I do, for example when representing a client organisation, I will request and adhere to their safeguarding policies and procedures.
Contact me
If you have any questions about safeguarding in my work, please email me at
Next review due: January 2026
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© Natalie Tucker, 2025, all rights reserved