
Bespoke expertise and additional capacity for driving
social impact and systems change

I work with

High-impact organisations

Including small and growing social enterprises, charities and impact start-ups.

Supporters of social impact

Such as accelerator programmes, funders and capacity building programmes.

Systems change initiatives

That are just getting started or at a significant moment of development.

My consulting is focused on three areas:

Leadership development

Building the capacity and resilience of leaders committed to social impact and systems change. Supporting leadership rooted in values and systems-thinking.

Learning design & delivery

From one-off workshops to ongoing programmes, design and delivery of training that engages participants and enables practical action.

Evaluation & continual improvement

Creating frameworks and processes that build a learning culture and centre your most important stakeholders – those whose lives your work impacts.

How my work helps

My support improves clients’ abilities to deliver social impact and systems change through:

How you can work with me

Programme development & leadership

From co-designing new  initiatives to reviewing established programmes, and recruiting or leading teams through periods of change.

design &

Design and delivery of social impact and systems change learning experiences that engage participants and enable practical action.

Specialist mentorship

Personal guidance in an area of my expertise – from upgrading your impact management to designing or refreshing learning experiences.

Looking for something else? Book a call to discuss your needs and explore how I can help.

How can I help?

Book a call to discuss how we can work together